  • 产品名称:MIC-1000绝缘电阻测试仪

  • 产品型号:MIC-1000
  • 产品厂商:COMBINE
  • 产品价格:0
  • 折扣价格:0
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MIC1000 The MIC-1000 is a small, portable meter for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical and telecommunication installations, cables, transformers, motors, machines and other devices. The

Insulation Resistance Meter (up to 1 kV)

The MIC-1000 is a small, portable meter for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical and telecommunication installations, cables, transformers, motors, machines and other devices. The measuring voltage can be programmed with 10V step. The instruments can measure both: the insulation resistance in a very wide range 50k..110G (110 000M) and the leakage current of the insulation. All the test results can be stored in the internal memory and send to a computer via serial interface. The meters are supplied with Ni-Cd batteries and charger as standard. 

MIC-1000 Technical Specifications
  • Insulation resistance measurement:
    - test voltage selection between 50...1000V, in 10V intervals,
    - on-line insulation resistance measurement or leakage current,
    - automatic discharge of tested object’s capacitance after measurement of insulation resistance,
    - acoustic determination of 5 seconds time intervals that facilitates to take time characteristics during insulation resistance measurement,
    - measured T1, T2 and T3 test times for one or two absorption measurements selected from the range between 1... 600 seconds,
    - indicator of the actual test voltage value during a measurement,
    - protection against live objects.
  • Low voltage resistance measurement:
    - quick acoustic signalling (beeper) for circuit resistance below 50Ω. AC/DC voltage measurement in range 0...600V.
  • Memory for 999 measurement results with an ability to transfer the data to a PC.
  • Powered by rechargeable battery pack:
    - included with the device an external power supply for automatic battery charging to ensure prolonged battery life and optimal working conditions,
    - battery status indicator.
  • Meter meets the requirements of the standard EN 61557.
Electric security:
- type of insulation: double, according to  EN 61010-1 and IEC 61557
- measurement category: CAT III 300V acc. to EN 61010-1
- protection class acc. to EN 60529: IP40
- converter’s current: max. 1,4mA

Other technical data:
- power supply: battery set Ni-Cd
- time to auto-off:
    - mode RISO/IL: depends on T2 or T3 (T2/T3 + 300 seconds) settings
    - other modes: 300 seconds

Rated operational conditions:
- operating temperature: -10...+40°C
- storage temperature: -20...+60°C
- measurement rate: approx. 1 measure/second

Leakage current reading

Range Resolution Accuracy
0...Ipmax depending from range -ΔI-, +ΔI+

Ipmax - maximum converter’s current equal to 1,2 ± 0,2 mA,
ΔI-, +ΔI+ - current reading accuracy calculated from the resistance reading using the formulas: 


UISO - test voltage
R - displayed value of the insulation resistance
ΔR - resistance measurement accuracy defined for the measurement

Insulation resistance measurement
measurement range to EN 61557-2: RISOmin = UISOnom/IISOmax…110,0 GΩ
IISOmax = 1mA

Range Resolution Accuracy
0,00..99,99kΩ 0,01kΩ ±(3% m.v. + 20 digits)
100,0..999,9kΩ 0,1kΩ
1,000..9,999MΩ 0,001MΩ
10,00..99,99MΩ 0,01MΩ
100,0..999,9MΩ 0,1MΩ
1,000..9,999GΩ 0,001GΩ
10,00..99,99GΩ 0,01GΩ
100,0..110,0GΩ 0,1GΩ
• for measurements of limited converter current, the accuracy is not specified.

Low voltage resistance measurement

Range Resolution Accuracy
0,0...99,9Ω 0,1Ω ±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
100,0...399,9Ω 0,1Ω ±(4% m.v. + 3 digits)

• acoustic signalling for resistance below 35Ω ± 25Ω
• max. voltage on the open terminals - 9,6 V
• current with the closed terminals - 200mA

DC voltage measurement

Range Resolution Accuracy
0...600V 1V ±(3% m.v. + 2 digits)

AC voltage measurement
50Hz (sinusoidal shape with harmonic contents < 2%)
Range Resolution Accuracy
0...600V 1V ±(3% m.v. + 2 digits)

„m.v.” - measured value.


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